Submit your ideas for the name of the new events venue
Would you like to choose the name for Dieppe's new outdoor events venue? Submit your suggestions using the form on this page:
Need inspiration? This outdoor venue, which will be located behind the new intergenerational community complex, will be able to accommodate up to 25,000 people. It will be a multifunctional public space—a green space available to the public that can be transformed to host festivals and events.
A culture trail featuring works of art will connect the venue to Cousteau Street. This new space will also host the big show on August 15, 2019, as part of the Congrès mondial acadien, which more than 20,000 people are expected to attend.
Think culture, celebrations and green space, and be creative! You could win a gift set including: an aluminum water bottle, a backpack and a family pass for 12 visits to the Aquatic and Sports Centre. You have until November 23, inclusive, to submit your ideas to us!
A draw will be held among all the suggestions received. Note that ideas already submitted via the name suggestion form will automatically be entered in the draw.