Council Committees
There are many ways to get involved in your community, including community organizations and City advisory committees.
Council committees
City Council has established a number of advisory committees that provide recommendations and advice on a variety of topics that affect the municipality and impact the quality of life of residents. Council appoints individuals to these committees and offers them training. Interested parties must apply, and City Council strives to ensure that membership is balanced and representative of the city’s diversity and demographic makeup.
Why sit on an advisory committee?
You can make a significant contribution to our community by sitting on a committee. Your expertise, enthusiasm and community spirit can greatly benefit our city.
Before applying, keep the following in mind:
- These are volunteer, unpaid positions.
- The time commitment varies depending on the committee.
- Committees are expected to deliberate in a respectful manner and are bound by the City’s code of conduct for committee members.
For more information on advisory committee meetings, refer to the Council calendar.
How do I apply?
Residents of Dieppe can apply by completing this application form.