Take part in the Virtual Wellness Challenge!
The City of Dieppe, through its Connected Leisure Activities Facebook group, invites residents to take part in its upcoming seven-day wellness challenge. Hosted by Fred and Renelle of BoFM radio, this challenge runs from May 4 to 10.
Each day, your hosts will present a video in which they challenge you to do something to promote your wellness, whether a physical activity, reading or even drinking a target amount of water.
People will be invited to post photos of themselves or their families either doing the proposed activities or describing how they are incorporating these wellness actions into their daily lives. Participants will have a chance to win one of three gift certificates for $75, $50 and $15. The winners will be drawn randomly on May 11 from among all participants, and their names will be posted on the Connected Leisure Activities group page.
The purpose of the Connected Leisure Activities Facebook group is to provide the community an easy way to find and share resources for having fun and staying connected during this time of social distancing. The City of Dieppe uses it to hold virtual events and contests and to share interesting ideas from other organizations. To join the group, simply go to the City of Dieppe Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/dieppenb and click the “Groups” tab.