Update - Skating oval
DIEPPE, NB — The City of Dieppe wishes to inform the public that the cause of the problem in the refrigeration piping of the oval has been identified.
Some parameters of the electronic refrigeration system have been adjusted to deal with the rapid temperature changes known over the last few days.
Consultants, the general contractor, the equipment supplier and municipal staff are working together to optimize the system’s performance during this first season of operation.
However, due to the presence of ice in some refrigeration pipes, the quality of the skating surface is reduced at certain locations during temperatures above the freezing point. These areas will be clearly identified.
It is important to note that the current temperature does not allow us to flood or operate the ice again at this time, which is normal for this warm weather. If the temperature cooperates, the skating oval should open again in the next few days.
Like other municipalities that detain an ice surface similar to ours, it is possible that we close it for a few hours on afternoons when the blazing sun or warm temperatures affect the quality of the ice. To find out if the oval is open, visit our Cancellation Info webpage.
It is also important to note that this work has not resulted in any costs to the municipality or taxpayers.
The City wishes to thank the public for their patience and collaboration during this first year of operation.