Tri-community and 3+ Corporation Sign a Regional Economic Development Agreement
GREATER MONCTON – A new Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the tri-community and 3+ Corporation will see greater collaboration and cooperation on areas of mutual interest as it pertains to regional economic development.
The Agreement was ratified by each municipal council during their Regular Council Meeting and contains five main objectives:
- Defines the relationship between all partners;
- Sets expectations for the municipalities and 3+ Corporation;
- Outlines scope of services and deliverables;
- Provides a framework for municipal administrative teams to shape and assess desired results and/or outcomes;
- Enables effective administration of municipal investment(s)
The Agreement will provide guidance and structure on the services and roles undertaken for regional economic development. All efforts are based on current and future economic development opportunities.
As part of the agreement, services and deliverables have been identified and include:
- The development and implementation of a regional economic development strategic plan;
- The establishment and coordination of a regional client service model;
- The creation of a regional business expansion and job growth plan from the current employment base;
- The delivery of a workforce development plan;
- The delivery of services to new entrepreneurs and business start-ups;
- The delivery of an Investment Attraction Strategy;
- The creation of a regional economic development Communications and Marketing Plan
“This agreement allows us to be clear on objectives and expectations. From a regional perspective, growing the tax base is key and we can only do so by attracting new investments, creating jobs and working with business start-ups,” said Moncton Mayor Dawn Arnold.
"This agreement will allow for the implementation of a regional economic development strategic plan aimed at attracting investments, as well as encourage job growth from the current employment base and the development of new businesses," explains Dieppe Mayor Yvon Lapierre.
Riverview Mayor Ann Seamans said “This agreement provides clear accountability and sets us up for continued collaboration with our partners in driving our economy forward.”
Eric Mourant, President and CEO of 3+ Corporation stated: “These are exciting times for the Greater Moncton Business Community. This historic strategic agreement between the cities of Dieppe, Moncton, Riverview and 3+ Corporation will strengthen our partnership to enhance regional economic development. This new Service Level Agreement translates our common vision into an empowering, actionable and cost-effective plan.”
All partners are pleased with this new enhanced collaboration and look forward to successful results for the Greater Moncton area.