Localized boil water order effective immediately
DIEPPE (NB) — The City of Dieppe would like to advise drinking water system users in the Fox Creek Zone and a section of St-Anselme Zone that the Regional Medical Officer of Health has issued an order to not consume potable water, following a water main break on Fox Creek Road.
Residents and businesses affected by the boil order are in the following zone (see map of affected area in attachment):
- South of LeBlanc Road, including LeBlanc Road
- Fox Creek Road, between Amirault Street and LeBlanc Road
- Amirault Street, from civic number 1766 to Léonide Street
- Dover Road, including Dover Estates and Bayview Court
Until such time as the boil order is lifted by the Public Health Office, all users affected are asked to follow these instructions:
- All water to be consumed must be brought to a ROLLING BOIL FOR AT LEAST ONE MINUTE, including water that is used for brushing teeth, making ice, making coffee/tea or juice and washing fruits or vegetables. This is particularly important for those whose immune system is compromised (i.e. elderly, infants, people with transplanted organs, on dialysis, etc.). Please note that home water filtration devices (water softener, pitcher filters, etc.) cannot eliminate micro-organisms that could make you sick.
- Water can be boiled in a pot, in a kettle on stove or in an electric kettle without an automatic shut-off.
- It is not necessary to boil water used for other household purposes such as bathing, showering, laundry or washing hands and dishes. When bathing or showering, avoid swallowing the water.
This boil water order notice will remain in effect until the problem has been corrected and all tests show that the water is safe to drink. A second notice will be published once the order is lifted.
We regret any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your cooperation. If you have any questions, please call the City of Dieppe at 877.7990 or 850.5104 (after business hours).